Thermik XL 4M F3J Sailplane
With a span of 13 feet, this magnificent glider makes getting around the course or hitting your target time as simple as possible.
Wingspan158 in (4 meters)
Wing Area1266 (81.7 dm2)
Wing loadingapprox. 12 oz/sq.ft. (36.7 g/dm2)
Length68 inches (1.7m)
Weight116 oz (3.288 kg)
ControlsAil/Flap/Rud/Elev (X-tail)
FeaturesAll hollow molded
Battery config3300 NiHM "AAA" 5 cell
Thermik XL 4M F3J Sailplane
The 4 Meter Thermik XL is an all molded fiberglass competition class glider, designed for F3J and thermal duration, it also makes a great choice for cross country. This plane is VERY large, remarkably stiff, with outstanding handling characteristics. At over 13 feet wingspan, the Thermik is probably the best deal in "dollars per inch" in our whole inventory! This magnificent glider makes getting the target time as simple as possible. With the MH32 airfoil, and generous control surfaces, it can also get down in a hurry, and land right on the money.
Similar to the Storm and SharpWind, the Thermik's construction quality is amazing, with lots of innovative and well thought-out details that really set it above most of the other products in our fleet.
The full flying cross tail comes completely done right out of the box. The rudder is hung and gap sealed, the full flying horizontal stabs are simple to set up or take apart in the field with custom machined aluminum hardware, and the nose canopy allows generous access to your radio gear.
The three piece wing is your typical glass, balsa, glass skin construction, with full span carbon main and trailing edge spars, and the exterior finish is a gorgeous high gloss paint, in a variety of schemes. We never know what we are going to get, so ask before you order if you are particular. The flap servos are uniquely mounted on the flap cover, which is then securely screwed into the wing. Very stable, slop-free connections are easy to accomplish with this setup, and control horn adjustments are a breeze with full access to the servo horn. Give us a call or e-mail us with any ordering or technical questions, we'll be happy to help you make the right equipment choices.
We recommend using a 5 cell 3300 mAh NiMh or larger battery pack, HS-5245 servos for the tail group (or similar), HS-5125 flat wing digital servos for the ailerons, and again using the HS-5245's for the flaps.
Video of electrified Thermik XL 4m
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