Ocelot-E Hotliner
This hotliner is based on the original Ocelot with a few special tweaks for the E-version. With live hinges, control horns, "molded in" V-tail, and wipers all the way around, I don't know if you can get more bang for the buck than the Ocelot-E offers!
Wingspan57.9 in (1.47 m)
Wing Area375 sq.in (24.19 dm2)
Wing loading13 oz/sq.ft. (39.66g/dm2)
Length36 in (0.914 m)
This hotliner from DS Models is based on the original Ocelot, with a couple of special tweaks for the electric version. The wing is the same glass skin with carbon spar as the original Ocelot, only the mounting bolts were moved a little to mate with the new electric fuse. The Ocelot-E also features a V-tail that is molded as part of the fuse.. Less assembly for you, and guaranteed accurate incidence angles. With live hinges, control horns, "molded in" V-tail, and wipers all the way around, I don't know if you can get more bang for the buck than the Ocelot-E offers! Order this model today or give us a call or e-mail us with any ordering questions, we'll be happy to help you make the right equipment choices for this glider.